Gender Equality Certification

In April 2023 SIT obtained the Gender Equality Certification for the Italian companies of the Group, following the UNI/PDR 125:2022 reference standard.
The certification attests to SIT’s entrepreneurial orientation based on the valorization of individuals and their work, where everyone can find the environment to pursue their ambitions and realize their potential in an inclusive and fair context. Inclusion, support for diversity, and gender equality are seen as values from which to create a balanced work environment, based on meritocracy, and where corporate culture can be a strategic element capable of generating value.
The certification, valid for three years and issued by the certifying body Kiwa, is consistent with the Made with Care pillar of SIT’s Sustainability Plan dedicated to Social Responsibility and is the result of a structured path towards equity, equality, and inclusion that has seen the company virtuous in all areas.