Padua/Milan February 10, 2021 – SIT SpA, a multinational company listed on the MTA segment of the Italian Stock Exchange which, through the Heating and Smart Metering divisions, creates smart solutions for the control of environmental conditions and for the measurement of consumption, has joined- as a partner – the Community “Valore Acqua per l’Italia” (Value of Water for Italy), the discussion platform promoted by The European House – Ambrosetti which deals with the issue of water resource management as a driver of competitiveness and industrial development, with the aim of making proposals to the country system.

The decision to become part of this working group takes place a few weeks after the closing of the acquisition of Janz by the SIT Group. Janz is a consolidated Portuguese company specialized in the development and production of water meters. This is an operation that allows SIT to enter the water business in which it will integrate the strong skills in smart metering developed, in the gas sector, by MeteRSit in terms of data reading and communication, thus increasing consumption efficiency in a sustainable way and protecting the natural resource.

The data collected by The European House – Ambrosetti for the “Value of Water for Italy” Community, show that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has estimated that by 2050 40% of the population will be exposed to risk of water stress. Having an efficient supply chain is an essential requirement for the functioning and competitiveness of a country and its economy. Ten of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) introduced by the United Nations in September 2015 are influenced by the efficient management of water resources.

“Water is a market expected to grow further, that disposes of a scarce resource, not replaceable, but which is not managed efficiently at the moment: the share of water that utilities today are unable to account for reaches up to 40 %, with very high resource waste” commented Federico de’ Stefani, Chairman and CEO of the SIT Group. “Today only 9% of the water meters in the world are smart, i.e. connected to the net; our commitment, also evidenced by the entry into the Value of Water for Italy Community, is to be able to increase this percentage through the creation of a network of companies and realities committed to these issues. As SIT, we can contribute thanks to strong skills
acquired in the sector of smart meters and digitized reading of consumption data. In this way, we will also continue to fulfil our vision: to be recognized by the market as a sustainable partner for the creation of smart solutions addressed to energy efficiency and the protection of natural resources”.

“We are pleased to welcome SIT into the Value of Water for Italy Community” commented Valerio De Molli, Managing Partner & CEO of The European House – Ambrosetti.” Although Italy can count on a very important agricultural, industrial and technological base, also thanks to the presence of dynamic players such as SIT, the Community analyzes highlight that water management still has many inefficiencies: we are a country with high climatic vulnerability (in penultimate place in Europe before Romania) and we have an obsolete infrastructure network (60% of Italian water infrastructures are over 30 years old and 25% over 50). This is due to an inadequate level of investment. Despite some positive signals, Italy remains at the bottom of the European ranking, with 40 Euros per inhabitant per year (less than half of France and Germany) and one of the lowest water tariffs in Europe (2.08 Euros / m3, half of the French one). This risks depriving people of the responsibility for consumption in a country that is already the second largest water-hungry Country in Europe after Greece, with 153 m3 of water withdrawn for drinking use per inhabitant per year (double the European average) “.


The SIT Group, through its two divisions Heating and Smart Metering, creates intelligent solutions for the control of environmental conditions and consumption measurement for a more sustainable world. A market-leading multinational company, listed on the MTA segment of Borsa Italiana, SIT aims to be the number one sustainable partner for energy and climate control solutions for its customers, focusing on experimentation and the use of alternative gases with low environmental profiles. The Group has production sites in Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Romania, China, Tunisia and Portugal, in addition to a commercial structure covering all global markets. SIT is also a member of the European Heating Industry and of the European Hydrogen Alliance –

The Value of Water for Italy Community was founded in 2019 by The European House – Ambrosetti. The Community’s mission is: “To be a high-level multi-stakeholder platform that deals with the issue of water resource management as a driver of competitiveness and sustainable industrial development, with the aim of making proposals to the Government and the Country system”. The Value of Water for Italy Community gathers representatives from the entire extended water supply chain: utilities, service providers, representatives from the world of agriculture, industrial players, technology providers and software developers. Parteners of the second edition of the Community are: A2A, Celli Group, MM, SMAT Group, Acquedotto Pugliese, SIT Group, ANBI – National Association of Land Management and Protection Consortia and Irrigation Waters, Schneider Electric, SOTECO, RDR, Terra di Lavoro Water Consortium, BrianzAcque, Fisia Italimpianti, Maddalena and Padania Acque.
For more information:


Media Relations SIT Spa

Chiara Bortolato

M. +39 347 853 3894

Tommaso Pesa

M. +39 347 0735670


Media Relations The European House – Ambrosetti

Fabiola Gnocchi

M. +39 349 751 0840

Valeria Longo

M. +39 328 835 1238

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