The business metering growth continues with +14.5% in the quarter


In the first half of 2024, SIT achieved:

  • Consolidated revenues of Euro 150.9 million (-9.6% compared to the first half of 2023);
  • Heating&Ventilation Division sales of Euro 103.5 million (-16.1% compared to the first half of 2023);
  • Metering Division sales of Euro 45.8 million (+8.2% compared to the same period of 2023), of which Smart Gas Metering sales of Euro 31.5 million (+6.6%) and Water Metering of Euro 14.3 million (+11.7%);
  • Consolidated EBITDA of Euro 13.5 million vs Euro 13.2 million compared to the same period of 2023;
  • Consolidated net income adjusted of Euro -3.1 million, 2.1% of revenues vs Euro 1.6 million of the first half 2023, 1.0% of revenues;
  • Consolidated net income of Euro -6.1 million, 4.1% of revenues vs Euro -18.1 million of the first half 2023, 10.9% of revenues;
  • Cash flow from operations  for Euro -2.1 million after capex for Euro 9.4 million;
  • Net financial debt at Euro 160.9 million (Euro 146.4 million  at 30 June 2023).

In the second quarter of 2024, the results are:

  • Consolidated revenues of Euro 81.8 million, -1.8% compared to the second quarter of 2023;
  • Metering Division sales of Euro 25.2 million, +14.5% compared to the second quarter of 2023, of which Smart Gas Metering sales of Euro 18.1 million (+14.5%) and Water Metering of Euro 7.0 million (+14.6%).


Padua, 2 August 2024 – The Board of Directors of SIT S.p.A., a company listed on the Euronext Milan segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, at today’s meeting chaired by Federico de’ Stefani, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SIT, approved the consolidated results for the first half of 2024.

Federico de’ Stefani, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SIT stated:

The market scenario represented in the previous reporting moments has remained unchanged and is affected by a prolonged weakness which, associated with the persistence of the destocking effect, translates into limited business visibility for the short to medium term. Currently, there is no significant segment of the Heating & Ventilation market that is showing structural recovery. Regulators, market participants and consumers, after a period of high volatility and market disruption, do not show a definitive and clear trend, which therefore leads to delays in decision making and investments.

To address this context, SIT is transitioning towards a more sustainable, flexible organization ready to seize new opportunities. We have implemented structural cost reductions and reviewed our international manufacturing presence. In addition, we are promoting a new managerial culture based on “agile” methodology and open collaboration with partners of primary standing.  The goal remains to complete the range of products for a constantly evolving market”.



(Euro.000) H1 2024 % H1 2023 % Diff%
Revenues from contracts with customers 150,892 100.0% 166,875 100.0% -9.6%
EBITDA 13,548 9.0% 13,232 7.9% 2.4%
Operating income (EBIT) (125) -0.1% (19,957) -12.0% -99.4%
Net income (6,133) -4.1% (18,150) -10.9% -66.2%
Net income adjusted (3,139) -2.1% 1,644 1.0%
Cash flow from operations (2,051)   (12,531)    


(Euro.000) 30/06/2024 31/12/2023 30/06/2023
Net financial debt (160,858) (153,690) (146,446)
Net trade working capital  83,554  79,858  74,932
Net trade working capital/Revenues 27.5% 24.5% 22.3%


Sales performance

Consolidated revenues by Division

(Euro.000) 2024.06 % 2023.06 % diff diff %
Heating & Ventilation 103,479 68.6% 123,359 73.9% (19,880) (16.1%)
Metering 45,817 30.4% 42,350 25.4% 3,468 8.2%
Total sales 149,297 98.9% 165,709 99.3% (16,412) (9.9%)
Other revenues 1,595 1.1% 1,166 0.7% 430 36.8%
Total revenues 150,892 100% 166,874 100% (15,983) (9.6%)


(Euro,000) 2024.Q2 % 2023.Q2 % diff diff %
Heating & Ventilation 55,602 67.9% 60,700 72.8% (5,098) (8.4%)
Metering 25,156 30.7% 21,968 26.4% 3,188 14.5%
Total sales 80,758 98.7% 82,668 99.2% (1,910) (2.3%)
Altri ricavi 1,089 1.3% 655 0.8% 434 66.2%
Total revenues 81,847 100% 83,323 100% (1,476) (1.8%)


Consolidated revenues by geography

(Euro,000) 2024.06 % 2023.06 % diff diff %
Italy 50,999 33.8% 50,895 30.5% 104 0.2%
Europe (excluded Italy) 62,326 41.3% 78,090 46.8% (15,765) (20.2%)
America 22,442 14.9% 23,868 14.3% (1,425) (6.0%)
Asia/Pacific 15,125 10.0% 14,022 8.4% 1,103 7.9%
Total revenues 150,892 100% 166,875 100% (15,983) (9.6%)


(Euro,000) 2024.Q2 % 2023.Q2 % diff diff %
Italy 27,724 33.9% 25,850 31.0% 1,873 7.2%
Europe (excluded Italy) 32,438 39.6% 37,922 45.5% (5,485) (14.5%)
America 12,224 14.9% 11,911 14.3% 313 2.6%
Asia/Pacific 9,461 11.6% 7,639 9.2% 1,822 23.8%
Total revenues 81,847 100% 83,323 100% (1,476) (1.8%)


Consolidated revenues for the first half of 2024 amounted to Euro 150.9 million, recording a decrease of 9.6% compared to the same period of 2023 (Euro 166.9 million).

Consolidated revenues for the second quarter of 2024 amounted to Euro 81.8 million, a decrease of 1.8% compared to the same period of 2023 (Euro 83.3 million).

Sales of the Heating & Ventilation Division in the first half of 2024 amounted to €103.5 million, -16.1% compared to €123.4 million in the same period of 2023.

The following table shows the business sales by geography of the Heating & Ventilation Division according to management data:

(Euro,000) 2024.06 % 2023.06 % diff diff %
Italy 19,163 18.5% 21,593 17.5% (2,429) (11.3%)
Europe (excluded Italy) 47,303 45.7% 64,130 52.0% (16,826) (26.2%)
America 20,764 20.1% 22,805 18.5% (2,041) (9.0%)
Asia/Pacific 16,250 15.7% 14,832 12.0% 1,417 9.6%
Total sales 103,479 100% 123,359 100% (19,880) (16.1%)


It should be noted that the performance of the period was affected by the impact of the Q1 2024, which compared to the same period of 2023 had marked a reduction of 23.6%, while the second quarter of 2024, as shown in the table below, marks a reduction of 8.4%, an improvement compared to forecasts.

(Euro,000) 2024.Q2 % 2023.Q2 % diff diff %
Italy 9,972 17.9% 9,681 15.9% 290 3.0%
Europe (excluded Italy) 24,434 43.9% 31,174 51.4% (6,740) (21.6%)
America 10,976 19.7% 11,107 18.3% (131) (1.2%)
Asia/Pacific 10,221 18.4% 8,738 14.4% 1,483 17.0%
Total sales 55,602 100% 60,700 100% (5,098) (8.4%)

Sales in Italy in the second quarter increased by 3.0% compared to the same period of 2023, particularly affecting Central Heating, Catering and Cooker Hoods, while the Direct Heating segment continues to record a reduction especially for Pellet Stoves and Space Heaters.

As regards Europe, excluding Italy, in the second quarter of 2024 there was a reduction in sales of Euro 6.7 million or 21.6% compared to the same period of the previous year. Turkey, which accounts for 14.3% of divisional sales, recorded an above-average reduction of the division especially for Fans and Mechanical Controls for Central Heating applications. Sales in Central Europe also recorded a reduction (-20.5%) in Central Heating, mainly due to the impact of Heat Recovery Units, impacted by the performance of the electric heating appliances sector.

Sales in America in the second quarter show a trend substantially in line with the same period of 2023. However, this trend is the result of growth (Euro 2 million, +50.0%) in fireplaces and Storage Water Heating (Euro 0.2 million, +10.0%) offset by a reduction in Central Heating applications due to delays concentrated on a few names.

In the second quarter of 2024, sales in the Asia/Pacific area grew by 17.0%, 18.9% on a like-for-like exchange rate basis, mainly thanks to the performance of China, which increased by 29.1% to Euro 1.6 million. Australia is still down by Euro 0.2 million, or 10.6%.

Metering Division

Sales of the Metering Division in the first half of 2024 amounted to Euro 45.8 million compared to Euro 42.3 million in the first half of the previous year, up 8.2%. As for the second quarter, the division achieved sales of Euro 25.2 million compared to Euro 22.0 million in the second quarter of 2023, with a growth of 14.5%.

In the first half of 2024, sales of smart gas meters amounted to Euro 31.5 million, up 6.6% compared to the first half of 2023. In the second quarter, sales of Euro 18.1 million were achieved, up 14.5% compared to Euro 15.8 million in the same period of 2023. The performance is due to the group’s good positioning in the Italian market and the new development and replacement projects launched by the main customers.

Sales of water meters in the first half of the year amounted to Euro 14.3 million, up 11.7% compared to the first half of 2023. In the second quarter, sales of Euro 7.0 million were achieved, up 14.6% compared to Euro 6.1 million in the same period of 2023.

Sales in the second quarter were made in Portugal for 16.6%, Spain for 43.4%, rest of Europe for 27.6% and in America and Asia for 9.5% and 2.8% respectively.

New markets

Continuing a diversification path started in 2023, the Group continued in the first half of 2024 the development and evolution of the product portfolio related to the energy transition. The main initiatives and their progress are recalled below.

Generation and long-term storage of hydrogen for residential use, with Hybitat, a joint venture between E-Novia and SIT. Solution based on the use of renewable energy, a growing response to the energy demand of households linked to domestic needs and new mobility. First sale expected as early as 2024.

A partnership has been launched with Panasonic for the launch of a new fan for residential heat pumps with the aim of developing a range of products for the European market adapted to the specific needs of each heat pump manufacturer to ensure the best performance, minimised noise and low consumption. Sales are expected to start in 2025.

Enhancement in the water metering sector through the launch of Smartio, the new smart water meter for residential use based on ultrasonic technology, developed with GWF swiss technology partner. Orders already collected for the start of production in the fourth quarter of 2024.

The strategic development path in electrification has been strengthened with a company dedicated to the kitchen hood market – SIT MBT S.r.l. a company with which the Group wants to position itself as a European leader through the development of innovative energy-efficient products and their customization to the specific needs of customers. Acquired the first important new customer.


Economic performance

Consolidated revenues for the first half of 2024 amounted to Euro 150.9 million, a reduction of 9.6% compared to the first half of 2023 (Euro 166.9 million).

The purchase cost of raw materials and consumables, including changes in inventories, was Euro 77.3 million equal to 51.2% on revenues compared to 52.9% in the first half of 2023.

Service costs in the first half amounted to Euro 23.0 million, compared to Euro 24.0 million in the same period of the previous year (respectively equal to 15.3% and 14.4% of revenues).

Personnel costs amounted to Euro 39.4 million (Euro -1.1 million), with an EBITDA margin of 26.1%, an increase compared to 24.2% in the same period of the previous year.

Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses, amounting to Euro 13.7 million, equal to 9.1% of revenues for the period and compared to Euro 33.4 million in the first half of 2023, influenced by the impairment of goodwill recorded for Euro 17.0 million following the impairment test carried out on the invested capital of the Heating&Ventilation CGU.

Other expenses amounted to a net income of Euro 2.5 million deriving from certain transactions for the sale of assets carried out as part of the optimization of the invested capital of the Heating & Ventilation division.

The operating result amounted to Euro -0.1 million (0.1% of revenues) against an operating loss of Euro 20.0 million (12.0% of revenues) in the first half of 2023.

Net financial expenses for the first half of 2024 amounted to Euro 7.2 million compared to Euro 3.1 million in the same period of the previous year. It should be noted that in the period under review it was necessary to record the cost deriving from the renegotiation concluded with the banks during the first half of 2024 according to the amortised cost method pursuant to IFRS 9. This resulted in a financial cost of Euro 3.9 million.

Adjusted net financial expenses, net of the aforementioned non-recurring items, in the first half of 2024 amounted to Euro 3.3 million, compared to Euro 3.1 million in the same period of the previous year.

Income taxes for the period were positive for Euro 1.3 million and reflect the allocation of deferred tax assets deriving mainly from recoverable tax losses accrued by the Parent Company.

The net result for the period amounted to a loss of Euro 6.1 million compared to a loss of Euro 18.2 million in the same period of 2023.

Adjusted net profit, net of the adjustments and valuations described above, amounted to a loss of Euro 3.1 million (2.1% of revenues) compared to a profit of Euro 1.6 million (1.0%) in the same period of 2023.


Financial performance

As of June 30, 2024, net financial debt was Euro 160,9 million compared to Euro 153.7 million as of December 31, 2023. The evolution of the net financial position is shown in the table below and is influenced by the different factoring policy adopted in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period 2023.

(Euro.000) H1 2024 H1 2023
Cash flow from current activities (A) 9,972 15,175
Change in inventories (9,001) (5,892)
Change in trade receivables (8,619) 12,285
Change in trade payables 13,558 (5,845)
Change in other current assets and liabilities and for taxes 1,419 (16,950)
Cash flow from changes in Working Capital (B) (2,644) (16,402)
Cash flow from investing activities (C) (9,380) (11,304)
Changes for interest (4,428) (3,206)
Changes MTM derivatives and amortised cost (3,021) 446
Changes in translation reserve and other equity items 533 (1,083)
Changes to financial assets 2,183 891
IFRS 16 (384) (458)
Change in net debt (7,168) (15,941)
Initial net debt 153,690 130,503
Final net debt 160,858 146,444


Cash flows for the first half of 2024 show the generation of cash flows from current operations of Euro 10.0 million compared to Euro 15.2 million in the same period of 2023.

In the first half of 2024, the absorption of working capital amounted to Euro 2.6 million compared to Euro 16.4 million in the same period of 2023. We would like to point out that in the first half of 2023, the disbursement due to a transaction concluded with a customer following a commercial dispute in previous years was recorded in this line.

As regards trade working capital, in the first half of 2024 there was an increase in inventories due to the seasonality of the Heating & Ventilation sector and the order book in Smart Gas Metering. The value of trade receivables and payables is consistent with the trend in business volumes for the period.

Investment flows amounted to Euro 9.4 million compared to Euro 11.3 million in the first half of 2023.

Cash flows from operations after investments are therefore equal to Euro -2.1 million compared to Euro -12.5 million in the previous period.

Financial cash flows include interest of Euro 4.4 million during the period and changes in MTM and amortised cost for a total of Euro 3.0 million, mainly due to the recognition of the cost of the bank renegotiation in accordance with the criteria set in IFRS 9.


Significant events occurring after the end of the period

No significant events occurred after the end of the reporting period.


Overall, in 2024FY the Metering business is expected to achieve sales in line with the previous year. In the face of solid fundamentals linked to utilities’ investments in the Water Metering sector, which will allow annual growth in line with the rate recorded in the first half of the year, delays in the international development of Gas Metering will lead to a slight reduction in turnover compared to what was initially disclosed.

The Heating & Ventilation business unit is expected to achieve higher sales in the second half of 2024 compared to the previous year, resulting in annual revenues in line with the performance achieved during the second quarter.

At the consolidated level, the expected increase in EBITDA margin is expected to be between 100 and 200 basis points. Selective investments remain in place, now expected to amount to around 20 million Euros dedicated in particular to the research and development area as well as to the completion of the new headquarters. Net financial debt is expected to be between 145 and 150 million Euros.


Declaration of the manager responsible for the preparation of the Company’s accounts

The manager responsible for the preparation of the Company’s accounts, Paul Fogolin, hereby declares, as per article 154-bis, paragraph 2, of the “Testo Unico della Finanza”, that all information related to the Company’s accounts contained in this press release are fairly representing the accounts and the books of the Company. This press release and the results presentation for the period are available on the website in the Investor Relations section.

 Today at 14:30 CEST, SIT management will hold a conference call to present to the financial community and press the results for the period. You may participate through the following link:

The support documentation shall be published in the “Investor Relations” section on the company website ( before the conference call.


Annex 1


(Euro.000) 30/06/2024 31/12/2023
Goodwill 70.946 70.946
Other intangible assets 49.116 50.781
Property, plants and equipment 101.992 105.270
Investments 657 657
Non-current financial assets 4.141 2.533
Deferred tax assets 20.903 18.874
Non-current assets 247.755 249.061
Inventories 91.830 83.315
Trade receivables 71.969 63.458
Other current assets 12.509 14.264
Tax receivables 3.516 3.752
DOther current assets 6.588 6.630
Cash and Cash Equivalents 7.249 8.700
Current assets 193.660 180.119
Total assets 441.415 429.181
Share capital 96.162 96.162
Total Reserves 40.022 70.350
Net Profit (6.133) (23.388)
Minority interests net equity 806
Shareholders’ Equity 130.858 143.124
Medium/long-term loans and borrowings 82.119 58.182
Other non-current financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments 55.688 51.434
Provisions for risks and charges 8.599 10.513
Post-employment benefit provision 4.746 5.096
Other non-current liabilities 5.126 6
Deferred tax liabilities 12.420 12.094
Non-current liabilities 168.698 137.325
Short-term bank loans 23.093 50.809
Other current financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments 13.793 8.596
Trade payables 80.245 66.915
Other current liabilities 23.518 20.768
Tax payables 1.211 1.645
Current liabilities 141.860 148.733
Total Liabilities 310.557 286.057
Total Shareholders’ Equity and Liabilities 441.415 429.181


Annex 2


(Euro.000) 1H 2024 1H 2023
Revenues from sales and services 150.892 166.875
Raw materials, ancillaries, consumables and goods 86.189 94.974
Change in inventories (8.882) (6.679)
Services 23.019 24.002
Personnel expense 39.354 40.463
Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs 13.676 33.405
Provisions 169 442
Other charges (income) (2.509) 225
 EBIT (125) (19.957)
Investment income/(charges)  –
Gains/(Losses) from valuations of minority option liabilities
Financial income 238  326
Financial charges (7.455)  (3.456)
Net exchange gains (losses) (105) 286
Impairments on financial assets  –
 Profit before taxes (7.447)  (22.801)
Income taxes 1.314  4.651
 Net profit for the year (6.133)  (18.150)
 Minority interest result (11)  –
 Group net profit (6.122) (18.150)


 Annex 3



(Euro.000) 2024/06 2023/06
Net profit (6.133) 750
Amortisation & depreciation 13.672 13.688
Non-cash adjustments (3.471) 1.657
Income taxes (1.313) (4.051)
Net financial charges/(income) 7.217 3.131
Changes in assets and liabilities:  
Inventories (9.001) (5.892)
Trade receivables (8.619) 12.285
Trade payables 13.558 (5.845)
Other assets and liabilities 1.402 (14.629)
Income taxes paid 17 (2.321)
Financing activities:    
Interest paid 7 (3.219)
Repayment of non-current financial payables (7.502) (10.982)
Increase (decrease) current financial payables 7.162 19.593
Increase (decrease) other financial payables (1.545) (1.521)
New loans 1.969 10.000
Parent company financing 5.000
Other changes in Equity 460
Change in translation reserve 73 (1.083)
Cash & cash equivalents at beginning of the year 8.700 23.535
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (1.451) 257
Cash & cash equivalents at end of the year 7.249 23.792


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