Padua, February 1, 2019

SIT S.p.A. (“SIT”), a company listed on the main market of the Italian Stock Exchange, in 2018 returned consolidated core sales revenues of Euro 356.5 million, with organic growth of 11.1% over 2017.

Core sales revenues – preliminary figures (1)UNAUDITED

(Euro Millions) 2018 % Diff % vs 2017
Heating 284.5 79.8% 4.8%
Smart Gas Metering 71.96 20.2% 45.8%
Total core sales 356.46 100% 11.1%

**(1) 2018 core sales are based on operating figures.

Declaration of the executive officer for financial reporting

The Executive Officer for Financial Reporting, Mr. Paul Fogolin, declares in accordance with Article 154 bis, paragraph 2, of the Consolidated Finance Act, that the accounting information contained in this press release, as far as he is aware, corresponds to the underlying accounting documents, records and accounting entries.


SIT develops, produces and distributes components and systems for the control and safety of gasbased domestic heating and catering equipment. The Group operates in the Smart Gas Metering sector, producing new generation remote meters with real-time consumption readings and communication.

It comprises 8 production companies located in Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Romania and China, in addition to a commercial and distribution structure covering all global markets.

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